You helped guard our freedom and families. Let us help you guard your marriages.

We’re so glad to be offering this amazing marriage experience for the first time ever! Join us on June 29th, 2024 at Cornerstone Church in Ames, IA for a marriage conference to remember. Our marriage experts, Dr. Jim Burns, Dr. Mark Mayfield as well as Aaron Groves, offer marriage coaching for those issues only first responder and military couples understand. You’ll enjoy a delicious meal, snacks and drinks, and marriage resources as a part of this conference.



It’s $25 per couple to register, what all does that include?

Your $25 registration is for you and your spouse. It includes: a catered lunch, professional marriage coaching from Dr. Jim Burns and Dr. Mark Mayfield. Snacks, drinks, and swag will also be provided.

Who can go to this event?

Any retired First Responders or Military Veterans who currently reside in Iowa. This includes anyone who served in any of these career fields, but has since found other employment or is retired.

Who are the speakers that will be coaching me in my marriage?

Dr. Jim Burns is the president of HomeWord. He primarily writes and speaks on the values of HomeWord, which are: Strong Marriages, Confident Parents, Empowered Kids, and Healthy Leaders. More information can be found at . Jim spoke at the 2023 Impact Iowa’s Heroes Marriage Getaway where he coached our couples on cultivating intimacy in their marriage.

Dr. Mark Mayfield is an author, speaker, leadership coach, counselor, and professor. He is the author of three books, “HELP! My Teen is Self-Injuring: A Crisis Manual for Parents” which addresses his own suicide survival story, and provides practical tools to help your child who may be struggling, “The Path Out of Loneliness: Finding and Fostering Connection to God, Ourselves and One Another”, and “The Path To Wholeness: Managing Emotions, Finding Healing, and Becoming Our Best Selves.”. More information can be found at . Mark spoke at the 2022 Impact Iowa’s Heroes Marriage Getaway where he coached our couples on how to navigate through trauma to build connection in your marriage.

We will also have a testimonial from a military Veteran couple who will share how their faith has helped them persevere through the challenges of a marriage post military deployment. This will take place after the marriage strengthening sessions of the conference.

When should I register for the Marriage Conference event?

Right now! The earlier you sign up, the better grasp the Impact Iowa’s Heroes team has on how much food to order. It is possible that we will reach capacity for this event and space will run out.

I see this event is at Cornerstone Church, is this a religious event?

No, but our speakers may incorporate their faith and biblical principles into their teachings. We bring in the best speakers on marriage from across the country. They know what works as they have helped thousands of marriages. We trust their expertise and give them the freedom to teach us what they know.

Impact Iowa’s Heroes is a 501c3, educational non-profit organization. We are fortunate that Cornerstone Church has opened its doors to allow us to use their facility. We have found that utilizing church space is the most cost effective way to bring these events to Iowa’s Heroes.

The founders of Impact Iowa’s Heroes, Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg, have provided space and opportunity to learn about things like faith and prayer in marriage in the past. It is their heart to continue to provide these opportunities, while considering your thoughts and beliefs, as well as, respecting the rules and regulations of the entities in which you serve. This year, as in the past years, there will be a brief optional gathering to learn more about how to grow in your marriage spiritually, again, this is completely optional for you to attend!

Can I buy stuff at this event?

We are asking our speakers to bring some of the books and resources they authored to sell at this event. We will also have some swag and Impact Iowa’s Heroes items for purchase at this event.

I can’t come to your event, but I like the mission, can I donate to your organization?

Yes! We are only able to do these conferences for minimal cost, thanks to the generosity of organizations and individuals from across Iowa. As a non-profit we rely solely on donations to honor our state’s fallen heroes and strengthen the marriages of hero couples across Iowa.


What should I bring to the event?

Your spouse, maybe another retired or Veteran Hero couple, a coachable attitude, and a willingness to grow in your marriage.

What if my spouse doesn’t want to come?

Make them. Peer pressure from their friends always works well.

What should I wear?

Clothes. We hope this event provides a relaxed atmosphere for you to let down your walls, enjoy one another, and gives you space to build connection with your spouse. Whatever clothing works best for you to make this happen, wear it. But again, wear something.

I’m a retired firefighter, will I have to sit next to a retired police officer?

Not if you get there early and invite all of your firefighter friends to sit next to you.

I’m a retired police officer, will I have to sit next to a retired firefighter?

Possibly, but just remember they secretly feel more safe when you are around.