A study done by King’s College London found that rates of depression and binge drinking are higher among female spouses of military personnel than for spouses outside the military community.
Researchers found that female military partners were actually twice as likely to binge drink as women in the general population. Overall, military partners reported consuming alcohol less frequently than women in the general population; however, they reported binge drinking more often.
(source: Jena Hilliard, “New Study Shows Depression and Binge Drinking is more Common among Military Spouses” )
If you’ve found that your mate is struggling with an addiction like this, what can you do?
Developing or breaking any habit takes discipline. If it’s developing the discipline to walk on a treadmill, if it’s getting your finances in order, if it’s disciplining your time in the Word of God or praying with your mate, it takes a heart desire and a willingness to work hard.
Alcohol can also carry along physiological issues (addictions) that make breaking this habit very difficult. So you need to understand how hard it will be for your spouse, as well as realizing that no change will occur until there is a heart desire on your spouse’s part.
You need to express your desire and your spouse needs to validate it. Express your concerns about health, about modeling issues for your kids, whatever. Then pray for God to do a work in your spouse’s heart.
*For more practical marriage advice, check out The Great Marriage Q&A Book. It's available in our online bookstore!